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IGNITE your mission

The world around us is constantly changing. The main challenge is to always be aware of the impact this has on our own playing field. What does the change really mean for me or my organization? What is being asked of us and what opportunities do this change offer.


The Transformational Playground is the place to explore and create awareness, clarity and clearsteps to take advantage of the opportunities that can be found in any situation. With the help of the Playground, people and organizations learn how to take leadership over the future.



No matter how difficult the situation is, there are always opportunities and possibilities that can be discovered. If it is not possible to get the most out of it, we would like to get in touch. By exploring the situation of the playing field around the situation out of curiosity, we together provide insights and experience personal leadership in both individual and group contexts.

By exploring the current situation out of curiosity and making light use of intellect and intuition, we discover the first step to arrive at concrete actions. Everything starts with a first step!

The method is as simple as it is thorough:

  • Thinking from opportunities

  • Working with what is currently there, in order to reach the greatest potential from there, in short future-based leadership

  • Seeing problems as a source of information and not necessarily something to solve

Soul Mission * Life Vision

A 4-day intensive workshop in which skills are developed using proven exercises and you discover what really matters in your life. You learn how to deal with the noise in your life and discover your own mission in life.


We can guide groups that want to develop their collaboration in an in-depth way. Learning to value each other's points of view on the basis of trust and openness and working together towards the big picture.

If you have a collaboration that could use new impulses,


When you are stuck in a situation or project, personal coaching can help you gain new insights.

When there is less specific but a general feeling that "something has to change" you can already deepen your thinking with a session and take steps to regain your inspiration and motivation.

change management


Change processes require custom tailored to the situation. In consultation I like to develop a trajectory to lay the foundation for profound, sustainable change. This can be done as an external advisor or on an interim basis.  


Anna Kania

The training was fabulous - it exceeded all my expectations! 

Agata Hasso-Agopsowic

An extremely empowering meeting with one's own vocation, sense of meaning and the way to fulfillment.


What a great workshop! In a short period of time I have gained a lot of in-depth insights into myself and my colleagues!


Soul Mission
life vision


Looking for clarity on the road ahead? 

Inner navigation
in the complexity of live

This 4-day intensive retreat will help find the path you have been looking for.

Through a powerful process of intuitive connection, interactive exercises, meditation, and empowering steps, you will clearly identify your soul mission or life purpose. From there you will gain clarity on how that purpose wants to be lived. You will discover the pathway that can bring you personal fulfillment as well as allow you to make significant contributions to those you serve. By the end of the retreat you will have taken your first steps on that pathway, charting your course towards a more fulfilling, meaningful and rewarding life.

Wat houd je er aan over

personal compass

your customized compass that can guide you in each situation. This compass is built from your intellectual and intuitive intelligence

practical tools

Learn to use practical tools, skills & practices  which will be extremely useful when taking on daily life

steps forward

Walk away with clear steps on what to manifest and know on a deep profound level how to do that



De Soul Mission is al jarenlang een succesvolle workshop bij het Centre for Transformational Presence.

De training leert je wat je unieke kwaliteit is, jou Soul Mission. Deze kan je helpen in elke situatie in je leven waarin je voor keuzes wordt gesteld



Naast de originele 4 daagse workshop bieden we ook andere varianten aan die op punten zijn aangepast naar de specifieke doelgroep of situatie. 

Neem contact op wanneer je een andere optie wilt bespreken. 


4 day rETREAT

(English spoken)

Poland: 14-19 May, 2024


Young aDULTS

Deze workshop is speciaal voor jong volwassenen van begin twintig. De groep die de onzekerheid van het dagelijkse leven ervaren en het gevoel hebben dat de maatschappij ze onmogelijke verwachtingen oplegt. Wil je je eigen referentiekader leren kennen en je beslissingen met volle overtuiging kunnen nemen?

Zoek je "purpose"? Leer hier hoe je het kan vinden



I would like to live and work based on the principle that there is more to be achieved together than on your own. That is why I do not see clients but partners in co-creation. We aim for maximum results through clear agreements and an open mind set. We continuously coordinate what we can do to maximize the effect of the collaboration.

Some partners in co-creation are here


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We are happy to lend a helping hand to support change processes and culture changes.

In a tailor-made program you as an individual and as a group can in a light manner the basis of creating personal leadership. From that starting point, the objectives of the organization can be pursued effectively and sustainably. Thinking from opportunities and possibilities. This gives you more control over what you can do on your own to influence a situation. Instead of resistance, we create inspiration and a healthy basis to support the process together.

I understand that no one is the same and that people form organizations. That is why we always first learn more about the people and the story behind the issue in a conversation. Based on that, we can make a solid proposal that is in line with the people and the situation.
If you have a question, we will be happy to look together for how it can best be answered.

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I am Vincent Sark and Transformational Playground is my company. Founded from my need to focus more on the human side of my working life after a career in various functions in the high end custom yacht building.

Over the years I have found that my strength lies in connecting different parties and understanding what the core really matters.

By approaching people, organizations and projects with a sense of curiosity and humor, I try to let people discover other insights.

Just like children discovering in the playground out of curiosity, I want to let people discover what happens in their own playing field. By guiding the change process, to be a mirror and sometimes placed quip I want to create a different consciousness.

I can really enjoy people or teams who sometimes out of total confusion have found the first step to move forward with a clear sense of direction.

If you want to discover what I can do for you or your organization, please feel free to contact me!




Bentveldsweg 114



+31 (0) 683555973

VAT ID: NL002018602B76

Chamber of Commerce 70149461

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